1.Shopping cart
1 # bug分开添加同一种商品到购物车的时候 会以两种商品打印 2 # 未对用户输入的字符串进行判断 3 goods_name = [ 4 { "Name": "MI 8", "Price": 3699}, 5 { "Name": "MI 6", "Price": 2699}, 6 { "Name": "MI mini", "Price": 169}, 7 { "Name": "MI watch", "Price": 179}, 8 ] 9 print("Welcome to Rainm's shopping center!!\nWhat do you want to do:")10 choice = input("1. Enter the shop\n2. I am just looking")11 shopping_car = []12 flag = True13 total = 014 if choice == '2':15 print("See you next time")16 else:17 print("Nice to meet you, here are good: ")18 while flag:19 for i, k in enumerate(goods_name): #枚举??20 print("No.{} {} {}".format(i + 1, k["Name"], k["Price"]))21 goods_choice = int(input("Which goods you want to add it to your shopping car(Press -1 to exit): "))22 if goods_choice == -1:23 print("What do you want to do:")24 next_choice = input("1. check shopping car\n2. I want to see the next store")25 if next_choice == '1':26 print("Here are your shopping car: ")27 for k in shopping_car:28 print("Name: {} Price: {} Count:{}".format(k["Name"], k["Price"], k["Count"]))29 total += int(k["Price"] * goods_num)30 print("Total:{}$".format(total))31 else:32 print("See you next time.")33 break34 flag = False35 print("What do you want to do: ")36 next_choice1 = input("1. Balance my shopping car.\n2. Continue to shopping.\n3. Exit the store.")37 if next_choice1 == '1':38 shopping_car.clear()39 print("Balance successfully!!It totally costs {}$\nHaving a nice day!".format(total))40 elif next_choice1 == '2':41 flag = True42 43 else:44 goods_num = int(input("And how much do you want to buy: "))45 shopping_car.append({ "Name": goods_name[goods_choice - 1]["Name"], "Price": goods_name[goods_choice - 1]["Price"], "Count": goods_num})